Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday Happenings...

  • 1st/2nd/3rd - Extended Math Block
    • After Independent Reading and Breakfast, Ms. Avalos did Number Talks and The Daily Number Problem.   Then she checked homework with the group.  Next they watched the On Demand Math video to show another way to solve area for a rectangle. They used the  array or the area model to understand another way to solve area.  After looking at the interactive lesson to unlock the problem, we broke into group to work on lesson 11.6 in GoMath.
    • After group work, Ms. Avalos went over the problems by having students come to the smartboard to solve and explain problems.
  • End of 3rd/4th - Literacy Block
    • Due to the shortened literacy block because math ran long, we didn't get to do both reading and writing, but we will finish the writing tomorrow.  
    • Today we read Chapters 3 and 4 of our class novel.  We stopped and talked about different aspects of the author's craft and language skills we have been working on.  At the end of each chapter we answered key ideas and details type questions practicing how to respond to questions correctly and using page numbers to cite our evidence. 
    • We revisited Paul Bunyan using the illustrations to recount the plot and key details.  Then we talked about "who" was telling the story and discussed how even though a narrator was telling the story, they were also showing PAUL's Point of View.  Then we did an activity where they had to look at pages and discuss Paul's Point of View (and Babe's) and then use the illustrations to provide evidence. 
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
  • 6th - P.E. with Mr. Hoffman
  • 7th - Wrap Up and Social Studies
    • Wrap up on Literacy Activity and then finish section 1 of Unit 3 in Social Studies and answer some questions.
  • Math 
    • GoMath 11.6 Practice/Homework pp 659-660
    • Finding Area Worksheet
  • Literacy
    • Spelling Practice / Reading Comprehension
    • Stuart Little 3/4 Sheet

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