Monday, April 11, 2016

State Math Test - Week Begins

State Math Test Days

Wednesday - March 13thThursday - March 14thFriday - March 15th

  • 1st/2nd - Literacy Block
    • First we had our breakfast.  Next, we finished lesson 3A.12 in ReadyGen.  It was on writing opinion pieces.  We practiced doing possessive nouns for Language Arts.  Then we talked about how you had to have reasons for your opinion and how you had to have details to support your reason.  We read a cute article on how Cats are better Pets!  Students listed the reasons the author said cats were better pets.  Then on the front, they picked three reasons and then had to write two sentences to support that reason.  Most people finished in class, the rest need to finish for homework.  We finished by doing a Mad Lib to practice our parts of speech.
  • 3rd/4th - Math Block
    • We started by doing number talks and the daily number review.  Then we checked the homework on doing perimeter from 11.1 and the handout.  Finally we moved into lesson 11.2 on using rulers to measure perimeter. After modeling, students worked in pairs to do their task today.  Then we had students come to the board to answer the questions.  After that was done, we gave out a "review" of all the topics we have covered this year so far.  Students worked on just pages 1-2 of the review.  Tomorrow we will do the other two pages to make sure they are ready for the test on Wednesday.  The homework tonight is on the two areas they had trouble with in the review. (MORE PRACTICE!)
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Science with Ms. Galan
  • 7th - Social Studies - Unit 3
    • We started Unit 3 on Asia today by having students become familiar with upcoming vocabulary words.
  • Math
    • GoMath Practice/Homework 11.2 
    • Math Review/Practice (2 sides)
  • Literacy
    • ReadyGen 3A.12 - Opinion Paul Bunyan
  • Permission Slips
    • Bring in Spring Academy Permission Slip if Invited!

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