Friday, December 2, 2016

Friday - A little Catching Up

Today we used as an ELA catch up day.  Students worked on their writing that was due, did independent reading, and took AR tests for books they had finished.  We checked homework and reading logs.  We ended our ELA block by reading from our class novel "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Students".  The book is getting really good!  We are just about half way through it and I can't wait for the action to really get rolling.

For the second part of class we did Social Studies.  We moved into chapter 3 - European Exploration.  We read section 1 together about about Spanish and Portuguese Explorers in the New World.  After reading and discussing, we watched a 19 minute video about the Spanish Explorers and then had a video quiz.

We ended the day talking about homework and expectations for reading.  Many students have still not turned in their Fantastic Beasts Movie Review.


  • Read 45 minutes Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - Write Summaries - Parents sign 
  • Reading Comp - Frank Sinatra Biography
  • Vocabulary - Working with Antonyms
  • Writing - Fantastic Beasts Movie Review PAST DUE!

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