Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday/Friday - PBA TIME!

After today's Cyber Safety Lesson "What is CyberBullying?", we had our last lesson in Unit 1 Module B.  We compared the three texts we have read and looked for the common thread between them.  After discussion, we moved into modeled writing for the PBA.

Yesterday our focus was on the different types of HOOKS (Generic Statement, Question, or Quotation).  Then we followed that hook with an opinion statement.  Finally we followed that with our THESIS STATEMENT or road map for the three topics we would be discussing.

Today we modeled how to do a Generic, Question, and Quotation introduction for review.

Today we focused on the three topics.  We brainstormed reasons for each of our topics.  Then we practiced going into the text and finding evidence that supports our reason.  Finally, we worked on explaining how that evidence supports our reason.  After modeling how easy it was to come up with reasons, students broke off independently to work on finding the evidence they need in the book to support the reasons. 

Tomorrow we will have our last cyber safety video and our lesson for the day will be on writing a closing paragraph for an informative essay.  The rest of the day will be used on finishing up the hard work for the PBA.

Here are two examples of reasons, evidence, and explanations.  Pick one more and do the same!

here are six possible reasons for the topic, pick 3 and then find text evidence and explain how the evidence supports your reason.

here are four reasons for this topic... you need to pick 3, find text evidence, and explain.

  1. Read 45 minutes, write detailed summary, have reading log signed
  2. Writing - continue to gather evidence and explanations for each category above
  3. Lang. Arts - Synonyms (two sides)
  4. Vocab - Cooking on a Campfire Vocabulary Work

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