Monday, September 25, 2017

Long Weekend... We're back!

Monday Monday!

After collecting homework, I was shocked to see how many students "left it at home" or "forgot" or had another excuse for not doing their homework packet.

  • Parents:  

    • Homework packets go out on Monday and are due back Friday.  We go over one page each day so that by Thursday, they can do the last pages on their own for their weekly homework grade.  If we are not in school on Friday - the packet is due on Monday.  
    • Each night (Monday - Friday) students are to read their independent reading books for no less than 30 minutes.  If they read more, great!  The more you read, discuss, and reflect, the more you grow.   After reading, each night, they are to write a summary of their reading and then reflect on it. ONE PAGE should be added to their RRJ (Reading Response Journal) each night.  Please check each night.  Below is an example of what they should be doing each night.  

Today we read Chapter 6 with a focus of looking at theme, using context clues to understand words and phrases in text, and looking at plot development.   Today we started to see that the main character BEN is starting to change.  Being able to discuss how the character changes and show examples and explain them is what we are looking for.  

Students also had 30 minutes of independent reading time to work on their own level book.  During that time, we pulled small reading groups to work on things like main idea, summarizing, and paraphrasing.  

In writing we are developing a scene of what it would be like to walk a student around PS8 who was "unique" like the character in our class novel "WONDER".   I want students to SHOW me instead of tell me.  


Read text, work on first page of packet (will go over on Tuesday)

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