Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday in ELA

Today we read Chapter 7 in Night of the Spadefoot Toad.  Our focus was looking at PLOT and working with key transitions like FIRST, NEXT, THEN, and LAST to help tell the story.  We cowrote an example of the plot of chapter 7 together.  Students then had to do the same with their independent reading book.  We also met with small groups to work on skills in a small group setting using the text "How Fast is Too Fast?" about roller coasters.

I am excited to announce that we had a donorschoose.org project funded over the summer and because of that both of my ELA classes are lucky enough to get Time for Kids!   We will be doing them as small group reading and whole group so make sure you look for them.


  • Reread the first text, do work page #2 (will discuss in class on Wed.)
  • Read for 30 minutes, Summary and Reflection in RRJ

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