- Lesson 1 - Rachel Carson Chapter 1: I can explain the relations or interactions between two or more individuals, ideas, or concepts in a historical text based on specific information in the text.
- Lesson 2 - Rachel Carson Chapter 2: I can explain the relationships between two or more individuals and events in a historical text based on specific information in the text.
- Lesson 3 - Rachel Carson Chapter 3: I can explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals and events in a historical text based on specific information in the text.
- Lesson 4 - Rachel Carson Chapter 4: I can determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details. Also, I can explain the relationships between events in a historical text based on specific information in the text.
- Lesson 5 - Rachel Carson Chapter 5: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
As you can see this week is working with historical texts and seeing how individuals and events are shaped by history. I really like this text and I hope the children will as well.
- Homework Packet #7.
- Reading for 30-45 minutes each night and writing in their RRJ at least 5 times a week!