Monday, October 23, 2017

This Week in ELA

We are starting a new unit in ELA!  Below is an overview of the unit so you know what to expect.  The lessons will be organized so that by the end of the unit we can do the Project Based Assessment.

  • Lesson 1 - Rachel Carson Chapter 1:  I can explain the relations or interactions between two or more individuals, ideas, or concepts in a historical text based on specific information in the text.
  • Lesson 2 - Rachel Carson Chapter 2:  I can explain the relationships between two or more individuals and events in a historical text based on specific information in the text.
  • Lesson 3 - Rachel Carson Chapter 3:  I can explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals and events in a historical text based on specific information in the text. 
  • Lesson 4 - Rachel Carson Chapter 4:    I can determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details.  Also, I can explain the relationships between events in a historical text based on specific information in the text.
  • Lesson 5 - Rachel Carson Chapter 5:  I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. 

As you can see this week is working with historical texts and seeing how individuals and events are shaped by history.  I really like this text and I hope the children will as well. 


  • Homework Packet #7.  
  • Reading for 30-45 minutes each night and writing in their RRJ at least 5 times a week!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Chapter 3

Coming up :
Look out for our Friday Friz! 

CHAPTER 2: Performance taks and chapter test on Multiplication and division of whole numbers! -- Don't forget to ROCK that remainder !

Chapter 3

Dear Family,
Throughout the next few weeks, our math class will be studying decimals. We will be naming, comparing, ordering, and rounding decimals through thousandths. We will also be adding and subtracting decimals through hundredths.
You can expect to see homework that includes adding and subtracting decimals through hundredths.
Here is a sample of how your child will be taught to add decimals. 

decimal Anumberwithoneormore digits to the right of the decimal point
difference Theanswertoasubtraction problem
placevalue Thevalueofeachdigitin a number based on the location of the digit
sum Theanswertoanaddition problem
thousandth Oneofonethousand equal parts

Collect store advertisements from the newspaper. Have your child practice adding and subtracting decimals by writing and solving problems that involve money using the store advertisement 

Capitulo 3

Querida familia,
Durante las próximas semanas, en la clase de matemáticas estudiaremos los decimales. Nombraremos, compararemos, ordenaremos y redondearemos decimales hasta las milésimas. También sumaremos y restaremos decimales hasta las centésimas.
Llevaré a la casa tareas con actividades que incluyen sumar y restar decimales hasta los centésimos.
Este es un ejemplo de la manera como aprenderemos a sumar decimales.

decimal Unnúmeroconunoomásdígitos a la derecha del punto decimal
diferencia Larespuestaaunproblema de resta
milésimas Una de mil partes iguales sumaototal Larespuestaaunproblema
de suma
valorposicional Elvalordecadadígito en un número basado en la ubicación del dígito

Recorte algunos avisos publicitarios de varias tiendas que vea en el periódico. Pida a su hijo que use la información de los avisos para escribir y resolver problemas que incluyan cantidades de dinero.

Ms. Cruz 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sample "Beginning"

Today in class I modeled how to write a beginning to a narrative that focuses on a character who wants to help the environment.   I introduced the setting, the problem, and the main character.  I used vivid details and I SHOWED the reader, instead of just telling the reader.  This is an example to help students refer back to when they write their own PBA.

PBA Week

Hello Students and Parents:

We are wrapping up Unit 1B this week.  That means it is time to show what you have learned while we did the lessons, discussions, readings.... Show What You Know Week!  Yesterday we unpacked what the PBA (Performance Based Assessment) would be.

We talked about different things that would show a commitment to the environment.  For example, they wanted to build a factory that produces smoke in your neighborhood and you formed a group to stop it; they wanted to tear down the trees in the park to make room for a new building and you went to the city planners to ask why; a group of kids are polluting the playground and you formed a group to clean it up.... these are all examples of a character who demonstrates a commitment to the environment.

Students were asked to think about their characters and start coming up with ways to describe them that showed them, instead of just told about them.  They were also asked to think about Where the story would take place and start coming up with vivid descriptions of the setting as well.  Finally, I wanted them to think of the problem they wanted to solve that involves a commitment to the environment.  All of this falls under the umbrella of the "BEGINNING" of the narrative.

  • Monday:  Unpack, Brainstorm Ideas, Pre-write
  • Tuesday: Model Beginning, Draft
  • Wednesday: Model Middle, Revise/Draft
  • Thursday: Edit/Final Draft/Publish
  • Friday: Skill Review Friday (Weekly Reader) - End of Unit 1 Test (Multiple Choice and Short Response)

Nightly Homework:
  1. Homework packet #6 
    1. Monday: Read article, do first page of questions
    2. Tuesday: Reread article, do second page of questions
    3. Wednesday: Reread article, do last page of questions
    4. Thursday:  Read NEW Article, do multiple choice questions and short response writing
    5. Friday: Turn it in for weekly grade
  2. Independent Reading / Reading Response Journals
    1. Read for 30-45 minutes each night 
    2. Do a reading response entry (1/2 page summary, 1/2 page reflection on reading)
    3. RRJ counts toward grade
      1. Numbers 1-5 picked up on Mondays
      2. Numbers 6-10 picked up on Tuesdays
      3. Numbers 11-15 picked up on Wednesdays
      4. Numbers 16-20 picked up on Thursdays
      5. Numbers 20-25 picked up on Fridays


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wednesday in ELA

  • WE FINISHED OUR FIRST BOOK! When we finished our book, we were able to identify a couple of themes that stood out.  The kids found "don't judge a book by its cover", "it is important to have friends" and "if you care about something, it is worth fighting for".  The great thing about a book like this is that there are multiple themes working at the same time.
  • We took our first class novel AR test on the book and the students did very well.
  • Afterward we talked about part of a story and had this book met all the areas.  Did the problems introduced get solved.   We showed that they all did, and even one that we didn't know about.  We looked to see if we could recall important details that moved the plot forward.
  • Finally, we talked about the climax and the resolution.  All the students asked if there was a book two, so that lets me know that they really enjoyed the book.


  1. Read 30-45 minutes - Do Summary and Reflection in RRJ
  2. Homework Packet - Reread the text - Page 3 of homework
  3. Students MUST have 1 AR test taken by Friday (Month of School has passed!)
  4. Class 502 - Picking up your RRJ's on Thursday!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tuesday in ELA

Today in ELA we crept even closer to finishing our first novel of the school year.  That is pretty amazing that we have almost read, discussed, and written about a great 200 page book already.  We are still working on using context clues to figure out words that you might not know...  We are also still comparing and contrasting how characters react to different scenes.

In writing we were focused on how to state your opinion and back it up with at least two details or reasons and then explain how they support your detail. 


  1. Read 30-45 minutes - Do Summary and Reflection in RRJ
  2. Homework Packet #5 - Second Page

Monday, October 9, 2017

Parents Welcomed

If you ever want to visit our classroom like Nixon's mom, give us a shout!  It was very nice having you!

ELA in Action

Friday, October 6, 2017

FriYAY in ELA!

Today in ELA


  •  I can explain how a series of chapters or scenes fits together to provide the overall structure of a particular story. 
  •  I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text.
We read Chapter 16 and had really good discussions about how the plot is coming together and all the problems are slowly getting solved.
We picked up homework packets, passed out the new homework packets since there is no school on Monday, and also sent home progress reports so you can see how your child is doing.  You can check this anytime online at Teacherease once you send in your email address.

Please sign and return the progress report on Tuesday.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Thursday in ELA

Today we read chapters 13, 14, and 15 in Night of the Spadefoot Toad.  We can see the action picking up as we move into the final chapters of the book.  We still have not had the solution to the problem that started the book, so we know we haven't quite reached the climax.

In writing we worked on dialogue and adding sensory and vivid words to our writing to make it more interesting.  These skills we are learning in reading and writing will be used in the coming weeks as we work on our On Demand Writing Prompt which is called the PBA.   I teach the skills, we practice it together, they work on it in their writing journals, so when we have the PBA, it should be easy!


  • Reading Response Journal - Read for 30-45 minutes, respond with summary and reflection
    • Picking up 501's Journals Tomorrow for Journal Check!
  • ELA Homework Packet #4 (FOR GRADE DUE TOMORROW)

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Coming up next..... DIVISION!


Reviewing place value, number properties, multiplication and evaluating expressions was a lot of fun!  As we continue our learning and move on to Chapter 2: DIVISION, please continue practicing and building fluency of multiplication facts!  

To our families,


During the next few weeks, our math class will be learning about dividing three- and four-digit whole numbers. We will also learn how to interpret remainders.You can expect to see homework that provides practice with division of three- and four-digit dividends by one- and two-digit divisors.

Querida familia,


Durante las próximas semanas en la clase de matemáticas aprenderemos a dividir números enteros de tres y cuatro dígitos. También aprenderemos a interpretar los residuos.Llevaré a la casa tareas con actividades para practicar la división de dividendos de tres y cuatro dígitos entre divisores de uno y dos dígitos.Este es un ejemplo de la manera como aprenderemos a dividir un número de tres dígitos entre un número de un dígito. 

Ms. Cruz

Monday and Tuesday in ELA

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

First of all, students:

  • You are (and have been since school started) supposed to be reading each night for 30-45 minutes.  
  • 5 nights a week, you are supposed to be creating an entry in your RRJ (Reading Response Journal).   
  • Each entry should be ONE PAGE long.  The first paragraph should be a summary of what you read that night (Good summaries include Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How).  
  • The second paragraph should be a reflection of what you read (what you thought about the section you read, what it made you feel, new words you learned, connections you made, predictions for next chapter, etc)
  • Again, you should have 5 entries a week.  If you forget a day during the week, you can make it up on the weekend.  If you do more than 5, you get bonus points!

I am picking up 501's RRJ's THIS FRIDAY, October 6th.

I will be picking up 502's RRJ's Next Friday, October 13th.
I will alternate between picking up 501 and 502 RRJ's each Friday!

We have been working on Characterization and Setting this week in ELA.  We have added to our study of character traits and using the text to prove their traits and now we are looking how the setting can make the character react differently.  We finished Chapter 11 today and started chapter 12.  We have 18 chapters in our book "Night of the Spadefoot Toad".  

We are practicing what we are studying in Reading in our narrative writing.  Students are using characterization, setting, and sequence to move the plot along.  We are reading the book "Wonder" and using that character to shape our writing.  It is kinda impressive that we are up to page 135 in our reading novel and page 55 in our writing novel. This just goes to show that we are reading, discussing, and writing quite a bit in Room 403.

  1. Homework Packet #4 (Monday - Wednesday - Practice Pages, Thursday - Last Pages)
  2. Read 30-45 minutes each night in Independent Reading Book (5 RRJ entries each week)

The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla