Monday, November 20, 2017

Short Week.... Another Reason to Give Thanks!

  • Monday - Lesson 16 was looking at the format of the text PALE MALE. The format was Problem Solution.  After finishing the text today, students worked on their own to identify at least ONE problem and solution in the section read.  They shared with a partner and pasted the results into their notebook.   Next we read 15 pages of Wonder and then did a Wonder Writing Activity.  Homework Packets with an extra Thanksgiving Section were passed out and are due back on 11/27!
  • Tuesday - Wrapping up Unit 1B.  WE will compare and contrast the overall structure of information in two or more texts, specifically use of quotations and word choice. RI.5.5  and then reading another 15 pages of Wonder.  We will end the period by working on the Chapter 2 Test for Social Studies.  
  • Wednesday - We will spend a little time doing a Thanksgiving reading activity and then we will read the last 10 pages of Wonder before leaving at 10AM for the 11:15 showing of Wonder at AMC Loews on 68th Street. A Special Thank You to Carmel Hill for sponsoring all the students who passed the AR Quiz on Wonder.  They are paying $8.19 cents for each students (and teacher) to attend.  That is almost a $500 donation just for reading. THANK YOU!  The movie is just under 2 hours.  Students are allowed to bring money to spend at the concession stand and we will have bag lunches from the lunchroom.  If your child wants to pack other treats in their bag (I didn't see it!)  Finally, the students will have to do a ALIKE and DIFFERENT activity that compares the movie to the book and will also be due on Monday, 11/27.  
  1. Read 30 minutes 5 nights a week.  Write for 10 minutes after reading, 2-3 minutes to write a summary and 7-8 minutes writing a detailed and thoughtful reflection about the reading.
  2. Homework Packet due on 11/27/17
  3. Wonder Alike and Different Graphic Organizer

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