Friday, November 3, 2017

What a Busy Week!

This week has flown by so fast!  I can't believe I didn't get a chance to sit down and update the blog so I apologize.  It has just been that crazy of a week.

  • Monday I was out sick. Ms. Avalos carried on and went into Chapter 6 of Rachel Carson.
  • Tuesday we did Lesson 7 / Chapter 7.
  • Wednesday we did Lesson 8 and read chapter 8.  We took the AR test for Rachel Carson and allowed students who needed to quiz other books do so as well.  We started chapter 2 in social studies as well.
  • Thursday we started our new text - Rain Forest Food Chains. We focused on pages 4 - 11 and our focus was on gaining information from informational text and looking at text features.
  • Friday we focused on pages 12-19 with a focus on main idea of different sections and again looking at text features and how they help with understanding. 


  1. Read 30-45 minutes each night, then spend 10 minutes writing in your journal.  Five minutes writing a summary using transition words FIRST, NEXT, THEN, and LAST to move your summary forward. 
  2. Homework Packet #8 is due Friday
  3. Weekend Reading Packet Review:  NEWSELA - Rachel Carson and answer 4 questions!

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