Friday, January 26, 2018

Next Week in ELA

We have another busy week lined up for next week... Here is a snapshot of what to expect:

  • Monday, ReadyGen Lesson 4B.4 with a focus on determining the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area. RI.5.4 and determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. RI.5.2 using pages 20-29 in our New Worlds text.
  • Tuesday, ReadyGen Lesson 4B.5 will have the same learning targets, but we will be using pages 30-35 in our text as anchors for the study today.
  • Wednesday:
    • First block will be used for MOCK ELA state testing.  Students will be moved according to testing criteria to "practice" what will happen day 1 of the ELA State Test.  They will do a MOCK test and we will use the data as a guide to see what skills and strategies to focus on as we approach the state test.
    • Second Block (502) will work on ReadyGen Lesson 4B.6 with a focus on determining two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. RI.5.2 using pages 36-43 of our text.
  • Thursday:
    • First block will be used for MOCK ELA state testing.  Students will be moved according to testing criteria to "practice" what will happen day 2 of the ELA State Test.  They will do a MOCK test and we will use the data as a guide to see what skills and strategies to focus on as we approach the state test.
    • Second Block (501) will work on ReadyGen Lesson 4B.6 with a focus on determining two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. RI.5.2 using pages 36-43 of our text.
  • Friday:
    • Skill Review Friday / Social Studies
      • Today we review the skills we have been working on not just this week, but so far this school year.  We will be working with several articles from Time For Kids and then doing skill activities that reinforce the skills necessary to be good readers and writers.
      • Social Studies will be a review of Chapter 3 and then a short Unit 3 Test to check for understanding of the Unit.  It is really cool that this Unit matches what we are studying in ELA (Explorers of North America) so students have more chances to understand the reasons, what happened, and the effects of exploration on the New World and the entire globe. 

  • Homework Packet #19 will be passed out on Monday.  Each day, students should read the first article and do ONE page of the homework packet.  By Thursday, they should have practiced close reading well enough that they can show mastery by reading the last article and doing 8 multiple choice questions and one written response (this models the state test!)
  • Reading Response Journals are to be completed 5 nights out of the 7 days of the week.  Students are expected to read for 30-45 minutes on their own.  Then they should spend 5 minutes writing a brief summary of what happened in the pages they read.  They should spend another 5 minutes writing a reflection toward what they read.  What it meant to them.  What they felt.  How they can connect and relate to it.  This is part of STUDYING to be a better reading, writer and thinker. 

Fall Student Achievement Awards Assembly

Today was our Fall Awards Assembly.  This was to recognize students who are achieving excellence through hard work, dedication, and being exemplar in terms of behavior and citizenship.  If you didn't receive all the awards you were hoping for today... don't be upset!  Let it be the motivation you need to come back strong for the end of the year awards.  Everyone is capable!  We believe in you!!!

Congratulations Class 501
Congratulations Class 502

Congratulations Jhean!  Most Words Read in 5th Grade!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Elevate: Today's Lesson - Time Management

Students had the 3rd in our series of special study skill programming today from Elevate!
  • Today, the focus was on Time Management!
  • Our first program was on Close Reading!
  • Our second program was on Note Taking!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

This Week in ELA

  • Monday
    • Launching a new unit.  Preview what to expect with Unit 4B.   Look at the new texts that were passed out on Friday.  Then move right into Lesson 4B.1 with a focus on Main Idea.  We will also pass out the homework packet for the week and anyone who didn't turn in PBA's, Take Unit Test, or STAR Reading Test will make it.  We will end the day by looking at portfolios and picking out 2 pieces of student work they are proud of in case they are picked to take part in the student discussion group for the upcoming school Quality Review. End with reading class novel A Wrinkle In Time.
  • Tuesday
    • Start class checking homework from last night.  Then ReadyGen Lesson 4B.2.  End with reading class novel A Wrinkle In Time.
  • Wednesday
    • Check homework page from last night in packet.  Then ReadyGel Lesson 4B.3.  End with reading class novel A Wrinkle In Time.
  • Thursday 
    • Lesson on study skills and taking notes through ELEVATE.
  • Friday 
    • Awards Assembly - Friday is the awards assembly.  We have had conversations with the students to review the criteria for getting an award and how awards are for excellence and hard work.  That if you don't get an award this time, that is your motivation to do even better so you can get all the awards you can in the next go around.  Reading and passing AR tests is a criteria.  Doing well on end of unit exams is another.  Also, you have to score well on end of unit PBA's.  Doing your RRJ's each night to practice your reading and writing on a daily basis is part of it. Participating in class discussions.  There are a lot of ways that you can show you are striving for excellence in ELA!   If you want to receive the recognition of getting an award, you have to earn it with hard work and dedication.
    • It is Skill Review Friday!  Collect homework packets for week.  Skill Review Friday with Time for Kids.  We will also hit Social Studies - Chapter 3 Section 2 and skills check review sheet. 

  1. Read for 30-45 minutes each night.  Fill out RRJ's with a summary of what they read and a reflections about what they read.  Every Friday they should be taking an AR test for the book they have finished.
  2. Homework packets are given out on Monday with work to be done nightly.  It will be checked daily to see they are practicing their close reading and answering text dependent questions before the final packet is picked up on Thursday for the final articles multiple choice and writing to be graded.  If the packet is not fully completed, the end product WILL NOT BE GRADED.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Tuesday in ELA

Today was all about unpacking and modeling the PBA for unit 4A.  We watched videos about how to do an Introduction, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions.  We also modeled writing one of each with one of the texts we used in class.  Now the students are showing what they learned and doing their assessment piece.

modeled introduction

1st body paragraph

modeled 2nd body paragraph

modeled conclusion

Students had over an hour in class to work on their planning documents.  The ONLY homework tonight is to take their planning documents and make their first draft on yellow drafting paper, skipping lines so they can revise and edit tomorrow before writing their final draft.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Monday in ELA

Today we did ReadyGen Lesson 4A.18.  Today was about wrapping up unit 4A by comparing all three texts we covered this unit and talking about how they are alike, how they are different, and how they helped us understand the concept of exploration.

Students worked in groups to discuss and answer the questions presented to them and to make sure they understood and reviewed all the text so they could be ready for the next two days of PBA writing.

Due to the fact that we have a shortened week and we will be working on PBA's this week, I decided not to give out the homework packet for the week.  Students should take the extra time to make sure their PBA is amazing and to catch up on reading so they can take more AR tests. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Next Week in ELA

We are winding down our study of Unit 4A in ELA.  This is what the upcoming week looks like, so make sure you are ready to work!!!

  • Monday:
    • Off to Celebrate Martin Luther King JR Day
  • Tuesday:
    • Lesson 4A.18 (Last instructional lesson of Unit 4A) - Discuss PBA
  • Wednesday:
    • Pass out PBA Planning Sheets, PBA Writing Paper, and Task and Rubric forms. 
    • Go over the forms and make sure students understand task and expectations.
    • Model planning/writing using one of the explorers discussed during our study.
    • Students will work on drafting their PBA
  • Thursday:  
    • Students share draft with peer for revising and editing
    • Students finalize PBA
  • Friday
    • End of Unit STAR Reading Level Test
    • End of Unit Comprehension Skill Test
    • Time For Kids (if time permits)
As you can see - the week will be very busy!  Please make sure your children are at school and ready to work all week!  

As usual, they will have nightly homework:
  1. Read nightly and do their RRJ's (Summary of reading, reflection on what they read)
  2. Homework Packet due last day of week!

Monday, January 8, 2018

ELA at a Glance

  • Monday:
    • ReadyGen lesson 4A.14 (Comparing Hudson to Pedro's Journal)
  • Tuesday:
    • ReadyGen lesson 4A.15 (Author's Purpose and Theme with new text Secrets of the Canyon Cave)
  • Wednesday:
    • ReadyGen Lesson 4A.16 (Author's Viewpoint and Purpose with Secrets of the Canyon Cave)
  • Thursday:
    • ReadyGen Lesson 4A.17 (Comparing Hudson to Secrets of the Canyon Cave)
  • Friday:
    • Skill Review Friday
      • Take AR Tests
      • Turn in Homework
      • Time For Kids - Mission Space  (Comparing Texts and Opinion Writing)
Students need to be reading and writing each night for homework.   They are responsible for completing and turning in 5 reading summaries and reflections each week based on their assigned day.  

The first day of the week I pass out the Homework Packet for students to work on as the week progresses.  It is due on Friday!

The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla