Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday in ELA

Today in ELA we finished Rachel Carson by reading the last chapter "The Final Battle".  This chapter was about how she worked for over four years against personal tragedy and illness to finish her last book "SILENT SPRING" where she brought pesticide companies into check for the harm they were doing to the world.  We discussed the main idea of the book "If you don't take care of the Earth, you are not taking care of yourself because we are all connected."

After talking about main idea and supporting it with details, students started their independent main idea work.  Others started taking the Rachel Carson AR test.

We concluded the lesson today talking about conclusions.  We talked about how they should sum up the main ideas of the text, but also give you the REASON for writing/reading the text.  We did a model conclusion together.

  • Reading:  30-45 minutes independently, log in reading contract (5 books by end of November)
  • ELA:  Reading Comprehension Check "We Love Pizza!"
  • Writing:  Write a concluding paragraph like the one in class
  • Permission Slips:
    • Though we have not had a formal yes, please make sure that we are getting persmission slips signed and returned and money collected.  Trip is on Wednesday.
  • Book Order Forms:
    • Book orders are due by Wednesday as well so I can order them Wednesday and hopefully they will be here right after Thanksgiving.

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