Wednesday, May 17, 2017

ELA Wednesday

Class 502

  • Started the morning with breakfast.
  • Next we did a quick review of "main idea" and "supporting ideas"
  • Then we read an article that showed the pros and cons of taking down confederate statues in the south and discussed taking a side and holding your opinion throughout your writing.
  • Finally, students worked on their Spring ELA MOSL Day 1.  That was two articles they had to read and two short response questions to answer on main idea and supporting details.  Tomorrow they will write an opinion essay using the two articles. 
Class 501
  • We started by reading Chapter 9 of our class novel "George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt".   We then answered a lot of comprehension questions to make sure students were understanding the text.
  • Next we reviewed all three texts we have been working with in Unit 3A and did an activity comparing the conflict of each story and how the characters handled them.  Looking back and finding connections among text is sometimes difficult, but the students seemed to make the connections.
  • Finally, students worked on their PBA's.
  • DEAR
  • Reading Comprehension Worksheet "The Snake Charmer" (Only 501)

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla