Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Crazy Tuesday!

Ms. Cruz was out sick today so the day was a little different than planned.  We had a full house in 502 with all 21 students showing up.  We also took in 10 of Ms. Cruz's group so we were almost at capacity of 32.

We worked on lesson 3A.17 with a focus on comparing and contrasting characters and themes with the stories we have studied in this unit.

We read another PRO/CON article, this time with the subject of is it ok for professional athletes to protest during a game?  We group read the article, pointed out the PRO's and CON's, and then answered the comprehension questions.

Finally, we read chapter 8 of our class novel "George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt" and answered a plethora of comprehension questions.

Finally, students worked on finalizing their sci-fi story and book review for their current PBA.  Since tomorrow and Thursday we have the ELA MOSL, students will have until Friday to get their final PBA's turned in.   15 students in 502 have turned theirs in, while only 3 in class 501 have theirs finished.  Of course, I didn't see 501 for the past 3-4 days, but they knew the assignment. I didn't even give homework so they could work on it.  FRIDAY or it is a zero!

For the half of the group that was finished, we put on "The Sandlot" while the rest of the class worked on their PBA's.  The theme of working together to accomplish a hard task is the same theme that was used in the texts we have been reading this unit.


  • DEAR
  • Finish Sci-Fi story and George's Secret Key to the Universe Book Review

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