Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Wednesday, January 30th

I'm Back... sorta...

As you probably heard, I was out sick on Monday and Tuesday.  I was back yesterday, but I am still recovering.  But I am back!

  • 1st - Catch Up / Review
    • After breakfast in the classroom, first period we caught up on the homework packet since they got it a day late.  We read the text, answered Monday and Tuesday's work so they would be all caught up for Wednesday.  Then we moved desks and got ready for MOCK testing.
  • 2nd - 4th MOCK TESTING
    • Most students finished within 70 - 90 minutes.  Day 2 is the more strenuous day because they have to read several texts but also because they have to respond in writing.  This is very important day and I reminded them repeatedly to add to their response.  To use the RACE method.  To really explain and expand their thoughts.
  • 5th - Math
    • A handful of students were not done with MOCK ELA so they sat in the back of the room while the other students and I reviewed Chapter 7 lessons 1 and 2 and then moved into Lesson 7.3 which was about adding like fractions using models.  I had them draw the models in their notebook and I walked around and checked and gave out stamps for good work.
  • 6th - Lunch
  • 7th - Science/Wrap Up
    • Today's lesson in science was physical science 2.5 on closed circuits and the transfer of energy.  We read a text and then answered a few comprehension questions.  We cleaned up and got ready to head home all bundled up with the hats and gloves that Mr. Hernandez purchased for the students of PS8.
  • GoMath 7.3 Practice
  • GoMath 7.3 Double Sided practice sheet
  • ELA Homework packet - day 3
  • Reading 45 minutes - Log and Sticky Note Ideas for Lit. Essay

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