Tuesday, January 22, 2019


  • 1st - Music with Ms. Young
  • 2nd - Library/Book Check Out
  • 2nd/3rd - ELA Block
    • We returned several writing pieces and other pieces that need to be filed in portfolios.  Students were asked to spend 10-15 minutes going over their rubric, checking to see if they agreed or disagreed, to look at the comments and next steps so we can continue to improve.  Anyone who didn't understand or was unsure was asked to come conference so they could improve on their craft. 
    • We moved into writing session 8, the literary essay.  We went over the parts of the essay from the Introduction (Hook, book info, thesis) to the body paragraphs (topic sentences from thesis), and the conclusion (restate thesis, restate opinion, call to action).  
    • We then looked at a sample lit essay from the story FOX where they proved that the Dog was a good friend.  We went over step by step and showed how they matched the thesis with topic sentences, how they used mini-stories to retell, and then quoted text as well as elaboration and explanation to make the points they were trying to prove.
    • Then we looked at and passed out the exemplar essay that the fourth grade teachers created.  We went over it and modeled the different parts.
    • Then we read a new text "A Cool Friend" and practiced making an introduction with three things being used to prove our thesis.  We then wrote it up as a sample that we will add to tomorrow as we reread the text to prove our thesis.
  • 4th/5th - Math Block
    • We went over the math review from Chapter 6 that was homework.  We went problem by problem so I could answer any questions they had.  It took a long time, but I felt it would be worth it if they used the time to ask questions and correct any misunderstandings.  We went through all the homework, everyone seemed ready for the test, no questions were asked.
    • Students took the Chapter 6 Unit Test Form A and then went online to input their scores.  Your student can log into the system from home and show you their test and what they missed and what they got right.  Please ask  them to log on and show you.  The long in address is on the side in the website list as ThinkCentral.
    • After students took the test, input the scores, and saw what they missed, they had to correct their problems and then file their test in their portfolio.
  • 6th - Lunch
  • 7th - Class Novel and Science
    • We read a section of our class novel "The Birchbark House" and then we did session 2.2 in science on chemical and physical changes and the different stages (solid, liquid, gas).  After reading the nonfiction article, students worked on answering some comprehension questions and packing up for home.
Math –
Partial Quotient Practice (DO WORK ON BACK)
Ordering fractions from least to greatest
Remember how to make COMMON DENOMINATORS using multiples
ELA packet Tuesday Night
Read 45 minutes, LOG

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