Wednesday, January 23, 2019


  • 1st / 2nd - Math 
    • Students took the Summative Task for this unit.  Then they had an introduction to Chapter 7 of GoMath - Adding and Subtracting fractions.
  • 3rd - Reading
    • Session 9 today focused on looking closely at your text for another way that readers gain more information about their reading is from noticing things that might be emphasized by the author through repeated points throughout the text.  We looked at Chapter 13 from The Tiger Rising looking for things that are repeated or emphasized.  We also looked for other clues that make us go WOW! I Didn't think about that.  After looking at chapter 13 closely, we looked for clues the author left us and then asked questions that included the starter "Could it be..."

  • 4th - PE with Mr. Hoffman
  • 5th - Writing
    • Our focus today in session 9 was I can look for patterns  in a story to develop ideas about the stories theme or message. We reread our short picture book "One Cool Friend" and looked for these patterns.  We focused on the Dad not paying attention.  We also noticed that both characters dressed like their pets.  Another noticing was that the father asked a lot of questions.  We ran out of time for our writing activity, but they got to practice finding the patterns to discuss and proving it with evidence.
  • 6th - Lunch
  • 7th - Science
    • After collecting last nights homework, then passing out homework and letters to go home to parents from the school, we packed up and moved to science.  In today's Physical Science lesson, we focused on density, displacement, and buoyancy.   After reading and discussing the article, we looked at the comprehension questions together to check for understanding.  
  • Math
    • Worksheet on Common Denominators
    • Worksheet on Division with Partial Quotients
    • GoMath 7.1 Practice 
  • ELA
    • ELA packet Day 3
    • Reading 30-45 minutes, log, and practice looking for emphasized and repeated points in your text to connect more with the characters.

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla