Monday, April 24, 2017

Chatty Monday in Room #403

  • We started with breakfast and quiet reading time.  Then we moved into our "entrance slip" questions to make sure that students remembered what happened in the last session and were ready to gain new information on our text "Secret Key to the Universe".  
  • Our focus in reading today was to use the illustrations and descriptive words to understand how the author feels about different things happening in the book.  This ability to use the text to understand how the author feels is called "TONE".   Remember, how the author wants YOU, the reader, to feel is MOOD, how they feel is the "TONE".  
  • We read three chapters, stopping as we read to check for understanding and discussing key ideas and unknown words.  Finally, upon finishing students went to work to use the images and key descriptive words to show the author's TONE about different events in the chapters.
  • Finally, students took time to brainstorm ideas for the next "adventure" that they wanted to write about for the characters in the story.  The PBA is writing a new adventure in the same style of the authors about the characters in the story.  Now that we are 2/3 of the way through the book, it is time to start thinking about that new adventure since we know the characters pretty well by now.
  • DEAR for 45 minutes
  • Finish any classwork not done
  • Reading Comp/Vocab Practice two sided sheet

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