Friday, April 21, 2017


Nothing better on a rainy Friday than to have a no stress, nice and uneventful workday....

  • We started out with breakfast and DEAR.  Then students went to work in their skill groups to practice skills based on needs.  Today's article all students were working with was about the disappearance of the Mayan Indians.  After each group read the article, they worked on skills that they needed to work on to become stronger readers.  
  • Next we went over the three passages from the Spring Break package.  One was a biography on Stephen Hawking, another was a non-fiction about Ice on the Moon, and the last was a fictional tale about Saturn and it's moons. We group read the articles, and went over all the questions one by one to make sure we not only got them right, but understood why we got them right.  Packets now go back to Ms. Cruz so she can use them to prep for the Math State Exams coming up. 
  • Finally we reviewed Chapter 4 in our Social Studies book and took a look at working with line graphs.  After we reviewed and did some line graph work, students were allowed to use their notes and book to work on the Chapter 4 Social Studies Test.   They were not allowed to work in teams, but could use the resources we used in class. 
  1. DEAR for 30-45 Minutes twice this weekend!
  2. NewsELA Article:  "Search for life beyond Earth might only need to go as far as Saturn's rings."
  3. Senior Dues are DUE!

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