Thursday, April 20, 2017


  • After breakfast, we copied our I Can statements into our notebooks and then had our 20 minutes of DEAR reading.  Then students worked on 4 comprehension questions to review what we read yesterday.  It was kinda like an "ENTRY" ticket.  
  • We read pages 179-205 today with a focus on setting and sensory details.  I wanted them to see that the author gives you clues about MOOD when you they tell you about the setting.  We did some eyes closed "imaginings" as I talked about different ways to say the same setting.  
  • We ended the lesson by comparing the setting of two different scenes and finding how through the descriptions, we can find things alike and different in them.  
  • DEAR for 45 minutes. Log
  • Reading Comp - PLUTO / Vocabulary Practice - OUR NATION
  • Make sure you bring Vacation Packet tomorrow for class
  • Senior Dues are DUE!

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