Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tuesday - Rain Rain Go Away

  • Breakfast
  • DEAR for 20 Minutes
  • Collect Homework

  • Our focus today was making sure that everyone remembered the parts of a narrative story (Characters, Setting, and Plot).   We are focusing on how plot is moved forward by looking at not just the text, but also the illustrations or other aspects that add to the overall understanding of the plot.  
  • We reviewed the previous chapters by answering "entrance" questions.. and then read chapters 26-28.  The action is really starting to move, but we haven't quite hit the climax.  We talked about the big problem that needs to solved before the story can be resolved, but we also looked at all the mini-problems that have occurred that we call "events" that build up to the climax.  
  • Finally, students worked to make sure they could use the illustrations to explain how they increased understanding of the plot and tone of the story.  They worked individually or in pairs to complete their work.  With the remaining time, we started talking about the critique they would have to write and what that entails.  
  • DEAR for 40 minutes
  • Reading Comp - The Crow and the Pitcher

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla