Tuesday, October 20, 2015


  • 1st/2nd Period:  We started the day with ELA today.  Students wrote down their I Can statements for the day and then broke off to do their warm up activity - Word Ladder.  The kids worked by themselves and then we went over it together.  They learn new words and practice reading closely to solve each word up the ladder.  We did lesson 1B.2 on Main Idea.  We then broke into groups and continued our work in working with Main Ideas and supporting details.   Each group took turns reading the text again and then focusing on questions that dealt with main idea.  We ended with working on graphic organizers that made the students go back to the text to find supporting details for the main idea given to them.
  • 3rd/4th -  Lesson 3.2 in math on connecting addition to multiplication.   The goal was for the students to focus on how multiplication is like addition and how it isn't.  Through the lesson they should be able to see that you can look at it in many ways:
    • repeated addition 3 + 3 + 3 = 9
    • skip counting 3, 6, 9
    • multiplication 3 x 3 = 9
  • Students worked to show examples of all three so they can see how they are related!
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Science with Mrs. Galan
  • 7th - Social Studies Chapter 1 Review.  We went over the end of the chapter questions and talked about what to study for tomorrow's test.

  1. Math pages 149/150
  2. Spelling - Check or X if correct, write correct either way
  3. Reading - Main Idea Graphic Organizer
  4. Writing - Finish Writing PBA if you haven't already!!

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