Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What happened today????

Ok, So I told the students... What happened to you today?  It is literally like pulling teeth to get them to participate or work today.  It has been a complete struggle....

  • 1st and 2nd period we worked on ReadyGen Lesson 1b.6.  The focus today was to use the text and the illustrations to gain information on a topic.  We used a t-chart to gather information from the second section we read in our text "At the Root of It" from pages 9-13.  We looked at Taproot plants vs. Fibrous plants.  They had to use the text and illustrations to jot down facts after we read it together, answered questions in teams, and then the third time, on their own.  I modeled a few samples and then they did 2 pages on their own.  This gathering of key details is the first step in learning to do research (and support the main idea.)   Our focus is still gathering key details and putting them together with like information (grouping it).  Our writing focus was to add more linking words and phrases to our writing tool kit.  They have order down, so we came up with some more words we could use.  

  • 3rd and 4th periods we reviewed GoMath 3.5 and then warmed up by looking at number talks and the word problem of the day.  We then watched the On Demand Math video for Lesson 3.6 on using algebraic thinking in multiplication.   We finally did the GoMath Interactive Lesson for 3.6 where they explain each section and have students come up to the whiteboard and interact with the work.  The commutative property (or order property) was used to show that 4x6 = 6x4 and the students practiced making arrays to prove it.
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Science with Ms. Gallan
  • 7th - We finished our math groups and then had the students finish filling out their Chapter 1 Science Non-Fiction Chapter PREVIEW form and discussed what the main themes and words we would be working with in this chapter.  It is really nice to be able to see how much you can learn by just examining the text structure of the chapter.  
  1. Math Lesson 3.6 pp.175-176
  2. Spelling Practice Sheet
  3. Writing - Add Linking Words to your grouped paragraphs

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