Friday, October 23, 2015

  • Science with Ms. Galan
  • 2nd/3rd - Math - The focus was using models and graphs to solve multistep word problems involving multiplication.  We spent the majority of the time making sure that students could read the problem and find out what steps they needed.  We practiced underlining important information and circling what processes they must do.
  • 4th - ReadyGen Lesson 1b.4 The focus was asking and answering questions to understand the text as well as writing introductions.  We started by having our spelling test.  We quickly moved to asking for one volunteer from each table to share the introductions they worked on last night.  We looked for a HOOK, some details, and the last line that informed about the topic.  Only one person had it done, but we will keep working on it! 
  • We read pages 3-5 of our new informational text and started asking questions. It was time for lunch so the small group work would have to wait until after lunch.
  • I picked the kids up from lunch 20 minutes early and we went to the 3rd floor outdoor playground for recess.  Several people had to sit out for 5 and 10 minutes because of not doing work or behavior issues.  We ended recess with a fun game of Duck, Duck, Goose!
  • We used the rest of 6th period to finish our lesson 1b.4 of ReadyGen.  After making sure they could see th HOOK, the details, and the Topic, I am sure that they better understand how to write an introduction.
  • Last period we wrote down all the homework and then spent some time going over each part of it so they couldn't have any questions.  
  1. MATH Lesson 3.4 Homework Page
  2. Social Studies - Take Home Test
  3. Reading - Read your IR Book for 30 minutes.
  4. Practice your 2 and 3 multiplication facts!

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