Thursday, October 29, 2015

Windy Thursday

The weather looked nice outside today,but it sure was WINDY!!!

  • 1st and 2nd - We had a little "Make UP" day in ELA today.  Due to taking the STAR Reading test yesterday, we only did half our Lesson 1B.7, we had to finish it today.  We started our day with taking a look at the "Dear Mr. Henshaw" AR test.   Then we broke the class into two groups.  Two groups were taking AR tests, the other two groups were silently reading.  The group that was silently reading came to conference with me one at a time with their reading level cards to talk about their progress according to yesterday's STAR READING test.  Almost everyone showed progress.   A few students were encouraged to retake the test because I knew they were better than they tested!
  • We then moved into the writing portion of Lesson 1B.7 focusing on linking words and taking notes using KEY DETAILS.  We read a fourth article on Sea Stars and practiced taking notes by highlighting or underlining ONLY important words.   Tonight for homework they have to finish the back side and add more details to their Informational 3 Column Chart from lesson 1B.4.
  • 3rd and 4th - Math was also another split session.  1/2 of the students worked on their STAR MATH test, and the other half worked on their End of the Chapter 3 Test Review.  They had to be super quiet so the people testing could concentrate.  When they finished their STAR MATH assessment, they moved to the front and worked on their chapter review.  The teachers were there to answer questions, but students had to work super quiet so others could test.  
  • The kids did so well during testing that I picked them up early from lunch to have recess.  The wind was BLOWING like crazy, but we still had fun!
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Gym
  • 7th - We went over the Math review so students could study for their Math Test tomorrow.  We then read from our new class novel.  The author of our new novel is coming to visit next week.  We want to get s much of the book read as possible before she comes to visit.
  • Math Pages 183-188 (STUDY)
  • Spelling - Practice Sheet (TEST TOMORROW)
  • Reading - Starfish Facts - Read the Back and Find more key details to add to your information.

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