Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rainy Wednesday

  • 1st/2nd 
    • Today in math we worked on understanding two new multiplication properties.  We worked on the Identity Property of Multiplication (any number times one is the same number or 1 x 5 = 5).  We also worked on the Zero Property of Multiplication (any number times zero is zero or 0 x 5 = 0)  We worked through the pages and did many many sample problems.
  • 3rd/4th 
    • Third period the students took their STAR Reading exam to see what progress they have made since September.   They also checked out new independent reading books and took AR tests if needed.
    • 4th period we did ReadyGen Lesson 1B.7. It focused on looking at main idea and key details pages 13-19. We read the part today about different types of roots.   The kids really enjoyed learning all the new types of roots and the jobs they do.
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Gym
  • 7th - Mixed Wrap up
    • We rapped up our ReadyGen Lesson and then finished our class novel "Dear Mr. Henshaw".  We also took some time to look at pictures of Hydroponic plants at Epcot in Orlando.  I told the students I would reach out to my cousin who works there for more information on it.

  • Math - Lesson 3.7 Practice Homework pp181-182
  • Spelling - Right or Wrong - Practice the words
  • Reading - Read for 30-45 minutes

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