Thursday, October 1, 2015

First Day of October

What a busy day we had today!  I can't believe how fast the day moved.  Let me give you a little recap of the day!

  • 1st period we collected homework, did our warm up activity (Word Ladder) and then started reading our class novel "The Case of the Gasping Garbage."  We read Chapter 7 today where we were introduced to two new characters.  
  • 2nd period we did team work to make a 4 sentence summary of Chapter 7 using our order words- First, Next, Then, and Last.  We then moved on and started talking about Point of View and using dialogue in our writing.  We worked together to look at the Point of View of the characters Drake and Bubba and then OUR OWN Point of View on the decision to collect pens in the story.  It was interesting to see how characters and readers can have different points of view. We ended with a writing activity where we had a "conversation" between Drake and Nell about Frisco joining their detective agency. We had to use dialogue to move the story forward and come up with either a yes or no result.  We wrote it together and the students copied it into their journals so they would have an example to go back to when writing their own stories.
  • 3rd period - We spent the first period reviewing place value and going over homework.  After we were sure they understood rounding to the 10's place, we continued rounding to the 10's place, but introduced numbers up to the 100's.  Students who got it stayed up front with me, students who needed extra help went to the back to work with the other teachers.  
  • 4th period - we did today's math lesson which was lesson 1.6.   It was all about taking numbers and extending them to have another way to add.   For example, the number 235 can be broken apart to say 200 + 30 + 5 = 235.  It is all about making easy, compatible numbers to work with so we can chunk our work and add smarter.  We also practiced rounding our numbers to the 100's place.  3/4 of the class has a really good grasp of these skills, where some of the students still felt the need to move to the back for small group help.
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Physical Education with Mr. Hoffman.
  • 7th - Wrapped up our math lesson by looking at final problems and then passing out all the homework for the night.  We had planned to read the next section of Dear Mr. Henshaw, but time got away from us as we went over all the homework assignments.
  1. Math - Pages 39/40 from Homework Practice (Lesson 1.6)
  2. Literacy
    1. Spelling Homework (1-15) (TEST TOMORROW)
    2. Antonym Practice Sheet
    3. Reading Comprehension (Short paragraph, 5 questions)
  3. As always, Independent Reading for 30 minutes and fill our reading logs.  Students should be finishing their book, taking the AR test in class, and picking a new reader!

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