Saturday, September 22, 2018

Friday, September 21

Fun Friday has begun....

  • In math we started the morning with problem of the day.  After discussing the answer and ways to solve it, students went to their seats and worked on the Mid-Chapter Checkup.  We went over each question to make sure that they understood what we have covered in lessons 1-4 of chapter 1.
  • We then did Guided Friday with stations.  One station they worked on a review page of the lessons we covered.  The next station they worked on a task as a group.  The next station they took a Friday quiz from the first 4 sections.  And the last station was with me and we went over anything they didn't understand so far.  The big issues I am seeing are ROUNDING and recognizing place value.
  • Next we did Writing through Dear Mr. Henshaw.  We read up to page 62 and then discussed characters.  We talked about INTERNAL and EXTERNAL character traits.  Their writing assignment was to start developing their character by picking the external characteristics of their character and the internal (how they are feeling and why).  
  • After finishing writing, Mr. Nunez and Ms. Young walked them through Guided Friday in ELA.  They read a text together on KING LEAR (4th grade version of course) and then answered questions on parts of a story and the characters.  The focus was to continue to read like the text was gold (read with enthusiasm) as well as reading closely to answer questions.
  • For science, Mr. A walked them through the first section of the science book on cells.
  • Due to CPR training, gym was cancelled but they got Mr. A and he did my Cell mixed with some of his HEALTH class.
  • Reading Log 
  • Study any math you don't understand

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