Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thursday, September 20th

  • While students had breakfast in the classroom, we went over the homework in the ELA packet from last night.  We also did the next section together (the thinking questions) since it was our first time and they had yesterday off.  Tonight they read the last story, answer the 6 questions, and give me one super paragraph answering the reading prompt.
  • Reading
    • Today's focus in reading was how do we locate, read, and share "GREAT BOOKS" with our classmates.  We talked about different ways, went over a list and then decided today that when they finished reading a great book, they would write a quick review on a sticky note and place it inside the front cover to share with others.  We broke for Independent Reading - while they read and quizzed, I pulled three different students to do running records on to check reading level, fluency, and comprehension. 
  • ART - during art, we had our second fire drill and the school all exited the building in just 4 minutes!  Way to go!  They are working on a pretty neat art project from what I saw when I picked them up.
  • Math
    • After doing the problem of the day (a comparing word problem), we went over the homework.   Then we discussed how numbers can have different names based on place value.  We used base ten cubes and flats to look at different ways to say numbers...
      • 2000 can be 2 thousand or 20 hundreds, or 200 tens, or 2000 ones... all dependeing on the place value you associate with the number.  Each place value move is a multiple of 10.  After working problems and practice, we wrapped up and looked at the homework.
  • Writing
    • We started writing by reading Dear Mr. Henshaw.  We read from pages 54 - 64 and then moved into Teacher's College Writing lesson 4.3.  Our focus today was to learn how to put thoughts about your characters down on paper to help you develop your story.  After reading students came up with a story they thought of last session, and today they started to develop the character.

  • Science
    • Introduced the themes for the science and started looking at Chapter 1 in our science book.  We are starting with Kingdoms of Life and will move into ecosystems.  I love this unit!
  1. ELA Packet
    1. Read last text, answer multiple choice questions and write a super paragraph short response
  2. Math:
    1. GoMath pages 35-36 to practice rounding
  3. Reading:
    1. Read for 30 minutes, log your reading, and doing first RRJ (will be checked Thursday)

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