- Our first Monday of the school year... students started the day with Mr. Nunez in Dance.
- Math Block
- We went over the math homework and checked for misunderstandings. Then we moved into lesson GoMath 1.3 which was comparing and ordering numbers. After doing our mini-lesson, we worked several problems together before students went off on their own to work. We came back together to check our work and share answers.
- Next we worked on setting up our portfolios for ELA and Math. We started by going into our 3rd grade portfolios and pulling out one best sample of math and one best sample of writing. Then we looked at last years work to see what goals we wanted to make to improve on our work from 3rd grade. We added our new reading and math levels to start the year and filed our portfolios for easy access.
- CGI - We set up our CGI notebook and went over the different types of questions. Then we looked at our first CGI question and worked it out and then figured out what kind of question it was. We will be going back and forth between CGI and Number Talks.
- Reading Block
- Today we did Lesson 3.3 in Launching Reading Workshop. Our focus today was "JUST RIGHT" books. We went over how to pick out just right books by looking at how you read, how many words you don't know, how you sound when you read aloud.... then we practiced together with volunteers and then with buddies. Afterward, students picked out new books and we started our reading baggies.
- Writing Block:
- We continued reading Dear Mr. Henshaw. (pg 30-38) We then did TC Writing lesson 4.2 about setting the stage for writing by thinking of ideas for writing. What would you like to see more things written about? What do you know a lot about that you could share with others? What experiences have you encountered that might help others by writing about? What can you add? From there, we looked at what the character in the story we were reading might want to right about .... "His father being so far away" "His father not calling him often" "Someone stealing from his lunch"... these are things that character knows about and can write about easily.
- We started talking about our nightly reading response and I modeled one based on what we did in class. Tomorrow we will model another one and then students will write their first Reading Response in their RRJ.

- Math - Go Math Pages 21-22
- Reading - Read for 30 minutes and fill out Reading Log
- ELA - ELA Packet - Read Text answer Page 1
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