Friday, September 28, 2018

Skill Review Friday

  • Started the day reviewing the take home practice test from GoMath books.  After discussing all the problems, checking for misunderstandings, we moved desks around so students could do assessments.
  • Unit 1 Math Test - 25 multiple choice questions (Scores are already on Teacherease!)
  • Unit 1 Math Performance Task - One Task, show your work and explain
  • Writing - The focus today was words that fourth graders should know how to spell.  We went over the list.  I gave them a copy to put in their writing folder for future use.  We talked about how I am seeing lazy writers who are not capitalizing names and places.  Writers who are not being focused or worrying about neatness.  If a name is in the title, and you misspell it right below the title, there is a problem.  We finished reading Dear Mr. Henshaw.  We will review it and take our AR Test on the book on Monday.
  • Reading - Ms. Montalvo, the reading coach, did a workshop with the kids using Time For Kids as the guided reading lesson for the day.  The students got to read about looking for a new Supreme Court Judge, a proposed Mission to the Moon, and even about kids and games.  They watched on online video, read together, and worked on some skills.
  • The students ended the day with Mr. Hoffman in Gym.
  1. Reading Log 
  2. 9 students have Math Reteach packets to do - We will review Monday and take another Unit Test because they didn't study for the first one!
  3. Parents - Check Teacherease for student grades!

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