Monday, September 24, 2018

Monday, September 24th

  • Math lesson 1.6 was the focus today.  We did addition with estimation to see if answers were reasonable.  Since rounding is still an issue for some students, I encourage you to check homework and work with your child if you see any misunderstandings.  It is easier to learn something than it is to UNlearn something.  Doing problems wrong will just make it worse.  Here is a video to refresh your understanding of rounding : Rounding To Nearest Thousand Video
  • Reading TC Lesson 3.6 was our focus yesterday.  We learned the power of a partner when reading to check in on your progress, make suggestions, keep you accountable for reading on a daily basis, and just having someone to talk to about your book.  I encourage you to be your child's partner in reading at home.  Ask them what they are reading.  Check their reading log.  Read with them, to them...  While students were doing independent reading I was doing running records with students.
  • In writing we read more of Dear Mr. Henshaw.  We are all the way up to page 86 now.  The students are really enjoying the book and I think starting to understand the difference between internal and external with characters.  After reading they were given more time to work on their characters, but today's focus was thinking of a problem/situation that their character had to face and write the scene of them facing the problem and what happened.  They had to use what they know about their character to have them face the problem and react to it.
  • We ended the day looking at our social studies book and discussing the units that we would be covering!
  • Math Lesson 1.6 pages 41-42
  • ELA packet 
    • The pages were copied out of order
    • Read page 12 (text)
    • Do page 13 (summary and vocab)
  • Reading Log - 30 minutes of reading

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