Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thursday, September 27th

  • While the students ate breakfast in the classroom, we went over page 3 of their ELA homework packet and read the story they will be using tonight for their assessment.  
  • Our focus today in Reading TC 3.9 was predicting as we read.  We discussed how we don't just make guesses... we use what we have learned, go back to what we already know, and even take into account what we know about the structure of stories to make educated guesses.  Then we read to make sure those guesses are correct.  We practiced this skill as we read Chapters 3 and 4 of Stone Fox.  We also started talking about how authors are able to make you feel a certain way about characters based on how they "SHOW" them.  Students were then asked to make predictions in their reading and add comprehension post its as they read on a higher level.

  • Today the kids had ART with Ms. Arbelo.  They finished one project and started working on another project that relates to our book "Stone Fox".
  • Math was all about the Chapter 1 review.  We went over section 1.8's homework and made sure students understood all the questions.  Then we talked about the 4 page, end of unit practice test that they would work on for homework.  We spent the rest of the math block going over review items from each of the sections that would be on the test.  These pages went into their math folders so they could use them to work their practice test.

  • The kids did such a good job today I picked them up 25 minutes early and we went out to recess on the third floor playground.
  • In writing, we focused on how making plans and setting goals can help a writer.  This means you don't just write, you think about it and plan your work.  In our case, we will use our writers checklist and rubrics to make sure we are including all the elements that we need when writing.  This connected to what we read in Dear Mr. Henshaw.  He had a writing project due in 24 hours and he hadn't made a plan.  In turn, instead of winning he only got honorable mention.  Writing is about planning, writing, checking, rewriting, and making it better each time you rethink and visit it.  We read until we had just enough of the book left to finish tomorrow.We used what we learned in reading to make predictions on how Dear Mr. Henshaw will end.
  • In science we reviewed the differences between an animal cell and a plant cell.  Tomorrow we will use the model to color and label an animal cell.
  • Math: 
    • End of Chapter Test (Math Unit Test and Performance Task Tomorrow)
  • ELA: 
    • Read Text in ELA packet, answer multiple choice and short response questions for grade
  • Reading: 
    • Reading Log (Practice comprehension and predicting post it notes)

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