Friday, May 20, 2016

Fun Friday

  • 1st - Science
  • 2nd /3rd / 4th - Math
    • We started the class by going over the GoMath Chapter 2 End of Chapter Review/Test.  We went over it problem by problem and discussed any misunderstandings and to make sure students knew how to attack each and every problem on the actual test (they are quite similar, just different numbers!).
    • I read each question out loud for students who have questions read and re-read for them.  Other students worked ahead at their own pace.  When they finished, they read quietly, took AR tests, or used the ipads to play math games.
  • 4th - Literacy Block
    • With the extended time for testing, it only left us about 25 minutes for literacy so we started reading Chapter 13 of "Stuart Little".  
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
  • 6th - Fun Friday / Spelling Test
    • With Fun Friday, we stay outside until 1PM instead of our usual 12:45.  They get an extra 15 minutes if they are good.  We stayed for Fun Friday, then came in and did bathroom break, water break, calm down time.  Students had 10 minutes to work with partners to study for their spelling test.  We then took the spelling test.
  • 7th - Literacy Block
    • We ended they day doing the SLUETH reading from ReadyGen Lesson 3B.3.  It added more information to our study of weather by telling us about meteorologist and also spotting aspects of the writing that made it an opinion piece as well as an informative piece of writing.
  • Math
    • Study for Performance Task on Monday
  • Literacy
    • Reading Comp Week 24 Day 4-5
    • Independent Reading 45-60 Minutes

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