Thursday, May 5, 2016

Thursday in 304

  • 1st - 2nd : Literacy Block
    • After breakfast, students went right to reading Chapter 9 of Stuart Little "Narrow Escape".  After reading and answering a series of key idea and detail questions, we looked at the upcoming PBA in detail.  We went over the task, broke it down, and then looked at the rubric.  Finally, we spent the remainder of first period modeling how to write an introduction again - using a HOOK, stating the topic, and finally your opinion that you will prove.
    • Second period was used to create their outline for writing the PBA.  We had spent the previous day coming up with reasons and supporting details as a class.  Today was picking which reasons you wanted to use, which details would support them, putting them down on your planning guide, and making it your own.  Students who didn't finish must finish for homework.  Tomorrow we will model how to turn an outline into a body paragraph and students will write their PBA.
  • 3rd - 4th : Math Block
    • After finishing chapter 11 on perimeter and area, today we went back to look at the last section of chapter 10 which was using word problems to solve questions on measurement. 
    • Students will work on the Chapter 10 end of chapter test for homework before me move on to Chapter 12.
  • 5th - Lunch 
  • 6th - Physical Education with Mr. Hoffman
  • 7th - Health Lesson #2
    • Yesterday we covered "how does a virus make you sick"... the take away was that it has to enter your body.  Outside of the body, a virus can't survive and will die.  So the only way to catch a virus is to let it enter your body via your mouth, nose, eyes, or open wound in the skin.   Today's lesson was "How does the body fight disease?"   The body has several things that help you to keep from getting sick.  
  • Math - Chapter 10 End of Chapter Test (617-622) 
  • Literacy
    • Study for Spelling Test
    • Finish PBA Planning Sheet
    • Spelling practice/Comp. Practice

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