Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Portfolio Work Wednesday

Today our focus moved to Math Portfolio Work....

  • 1st - Literacy
    • We started the day with breakfast and then moved into the last chapter of Stuart Little.  We read the last chapter and then did the AR test as a class.  Students were told they could do their independent AR test later in the day after they finished their Math portfolio work.
  • 2nd - 4th - Math Portfolio Work / Quiet Free Choice Time
    • We went over the expectations for the day.  They would be doing the independent math work at their desk.  Mrs. Avalos would be pulling students to the back to do the one-on-one math problems (8 in total) with her.  I would be pulling students to the front, one at a time, to read a 100 word text.  While they read I would use running records to test their oral fluency.  
    • When students finished their math work, they were allowed to read quietly, work on spelling words, work on math vocabulary, partner read, take AR tests, or Waggle.  The only rule was they had to be actively working and were not allowed to talk so that Ms. Avalos and myself could test students one on one.
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
  • 6th - P.E with Mr. Hoffman and Sub
  • 7th - Portfolio / Quiet Computer Time
    • I finished my oral fluency testing and Ms. Avalos continued with the one-on-one math process work.  Students worked quietly on the computers.
  • Math - Study Math Vocabulary for Chapter 12
  • Literacy
    • Read 45-60 minutes independent book (AR test by Friday)
    • Reading Comp Wk25D2 / Spelling Practice
    • Language - Adverbs

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