Monday, May 16, 2016

Gorgeous Monday

So even though the weather started off a bit nippy, the sky is a beautiful color blue, the clouds are white and fluffy, and the temperature is pleasant and cool.  So much to be thankful for, it is impossible to be upset on a gorgeous day like today!!!

  • 1st / 2nd - Math Block
    • Ms. Avalos is the lead for math instruction.  Today, the focus was using bar graphs to answer questions.  Students had to be able to look at a data table and create a bar graph. They practiced doing both vertical and horizontal bar graphs.  As usual, we started with breakfast, then number talks, followed by daily number review, the mini-lesson, modeling, working on problems together, than into independent practice.  We finished by going over the daily work to check for understanding.
  • 3rd/4th - Literacy Block
    • I took the lead for Literacy instruction.  We started with the spelling pre-test, then moved into vocabulary for today's lesson - ReadyGen 3B.1.  As we start our new non-fiction unit on weather, we focused on using key ideas and details.  Today, we used this focus to fill out a KWL chart with reading.  In writing, we focused on using adverbs and descriptive words to help explain difficult topics in non-fiction writing.  

  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Dance with Mr. Nunez
  • 7th - Social Studies - Unit 2 - Section 2
  • Math 
    • GoMath 2.5 Practice/Homework pp.117-118
  • Literacy
    • Spelling 2X / cursive practice
    • independent reading - 45-60 minutes 
      • (STAR TEST Wednesday!!)

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The real-life story of Ivan the gorilla