Friday, May 6, 2016

It's Raining!

Looks like people were a little afraid of the rain today...we had 5 people absent... and then when the 11 students left to take the NYSESLAT test, man, we were down to 15 students... well, 20 if you count the visitors from other classes... but it was just ODD to have such a small class when we are used to 31 students and 5 adults...

  • 1st and 2nd - Math Block
    • After breakfast, we did number talks and the daily number review.  Then we passed out the first volume of the math book and headed back to Chapter 2!  Today we did lesson 2.1.  In lesson 2.1, students had to use problem solving to organize a data table and use the data table to solve problems.  After doing the On Demand Math Video and the interactive unlocking the problems, students worked to solve and create tables to solve word problems.  After completing their independent work, we checked for understanding and tried to clarify any misunderstandings that students had.
  • 3rd and 4th - Literacy Block
    • After reviewing the introductory paragraph we wrote yesterday, we decided to change it and make it even more simplistic.  We then used Anthony's planning page to take his "notes" and make a solid paragraph with a topic sentence that comes from the "reason" and with supporting sentences that come from "details".  We added linking words and phrases and made sure to explain our details.  After co-writing and modeling, students were tasked to go back and start working on turning their outline into paragraphs and writing their PBA.

  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Physical Education - Mr. Hoffman
  • 7th - Special Arts and Crafts Project
  • Math 
    • GoMath 2.1 Homework/Practice 
  • Literacy
    • PBA - Use lined paper to write final copy of PBA
    • Reading Comprehension (2 sides)

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