Monday, May 9, 2016

Rough Monday

  • 1st / 2nd - Math Block
    • The day started with breakfast and the students doing an enrich activity that went with the lesson we had on Friday for GoMath 2.1.   After finishing breakfast and going over the enrich activity, we moved on to GoMath 2.2 - Using Picture Graphs.
    • We did the on demand video tutorial, then the interactive "unlock the problems" before students went off to work on the show your work section.  We came back together at the end of independent work and went over each question to check for understanding and to clear up any misunderstandings.  It seems that some students are still having issues with looking at the picture key and using that to figure out picture graphs.  Some are just having trouble reading the word problems.
  • 3rd / 4th - Literacy Block
    • Today I promised the students that they would have one period to finish their PBA's... and then we would do ReadyGen Lesson 3B.1.   We spent all of last week "Pre-Planning" for the PBA.  It was a rough week because 12 students out of the 31 were being pulled for NYSESLAT testing, but for the other 19, it should have been business as usual.  
    • Last week we completed the unit, we did web mapping and outline of the two books for the PBA, we created an outline using our web maps/outlines, we went over how to write an introduction, we went over how to turn the outline into paragraphs.   The only thing the students had left to do was to use the models (on the blog) to create their intro, their three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.  Five paragraphs.  We did all the pre-planning together.    Today we came in and some students had NOTHING to start from, no pre-planning that we did last week, no rough draft that I told them to write.. NOTHING.  
    • We spent both period working on the PBA.  10 students have finished out of 31.   We did not get to ReadyGen 3B.1. 
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
  • 6th - Dance
  • 7th - Health Lesson on Viruses
    • Today we finished our lessons on Viruses and HIV.   We have been talking about what a virus is, how it gets into your body, and your bodies natural defenses.  Today we talked about the HIV Virus and how you can catch it and how to protect yourself from getting it.  
  • Math 
    • GoMath 2.2 Homework/Practice
  • Literacy
    • Spelling Practice
    • Finish PBA

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