Thursday, May 19, 2016

Thursday Review

  • 1st / 2nd - Literacy
    • After breakfast, we moved right into literacy block.  We collected homework from the past two days.  Then we moved to the reading area while a few students "retook" their STAR READING Test.  Today we read pages 16-21 of Weather and went a little more deep into CLOUDS.  ReadyGen Lesson 3B.3 was about using the text to answer questions and also using context clues to be able to understand figurative language (literal and non-literal meanings). 
    • We did an activity with literal and nonliteral and then transitioned into reading Stuart Little Chapter 13.  We were about 1/2 through the chapter when we decided it was time to move into MATH.
  • 3rd / 4th - Math Block
    • We passed out the computers and ipads, moved students around, passed out some headphones, got out paper and pencil... and then the students logged onto STAR MATH and took their LAST Star Math Test of the year.  I am SO happy to say that almost all of our 31 students showed growth on the test.  We will have a few of them retest in the morning to see if they can do better.  
    • After everyone had finished their STAR MATH and had time to work on WAGGLE for a bit, we went over last night's GoMath 2.7 homework.   Tonight they have to do the Chapter 2 review so we can go over it tomorrow and then take the test.  After that, just Chapter 12 left! Then we will go back and hit multiplication and division again... more practice needed!!!
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
  • 6th - Physical Education 
  • 7th - Social Studies
    • Unit 3 - History and Government of China

  • Math 
    • GoMath Chapter 2 End of Chapter Review
  • Literacy
    • Spelling Practice / Reading Comp Wk24 Day 3
    • Adverb Review

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