Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday in Room 304

  • 1st/2nd - Literacy Block
    • We started the day getting ready to check homework then we broke into independent reading.  Several students were buddied up to make sure they were reading and understanding their IR books.  I worked with my pal Nile and I am proud to say that after reading the book together, he scored 100% on the AR Book!  Way to go Nile!  After IR reading and taking AR tests on books, we went over our homework and then did a little mini-lesson on superlative adjectives and quizzed on it.  Finally we finished our warm up by completing our Thursday Word Work "Word Ladder" activity.  
    • Then we finished sharing our written responses from yesterday to the question, "Why do you think that communities change over time?"   The students had to restate the question, answer the question, and then give two pieces of evidence to support it.  Then we went over producing writing options for informational writing.  We discussed the important things like grouping information together, only focusing on one topic (or subtopic) and most importantly hooking the reader.  Give them just enough to get interested in the topic, but not too much!   
  • 3rd/4th - Math Block
    • We started the period doing number talks.  The cool part is the students actually came up with a way to solve a problem that we didn't think of and it made sense.  This is why we do number talks, to get them to THINK about numbers.    Then we did the daily word problem and they right through it.  
    • We watched the on demand math video with a sample problem from today's lesson, and then did the interactive lesson for GoMath 7.7.   Today's focus was division by 7.  We did the unlocking the problems together.  I love modeling the process to the entire class to make sure they get it.  Then students came up to the board to work on and explain problems in the share and show section.  FInally, they broke into independent work and worked on the problems for the section.  
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - PE - Mr Hoffman is out (In class Gym)
    • Students watched Planet Earth video on Mountains to try and discover different weather patterns on the mountain and how that weather effects the animals.  
  • 7th - Science
    • Chapter 2, section 1 review.

  • Math:  
    • GoMath7.7  Homework (407-408)
    • Division Practice #13
  • ELA
    • Spelling - Study for TEST
    • Adverbs (READ THE DIRECTIONS!)
  • Science:
    • Making Inferences on a topic
    • Picking a topic out of Chapter 2
      • Gather information
      • Write a HOOK

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