Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Caption Contest

  • 1st / 2nd - Literacy Block
    • We started the period by collecting homework and quite a few of our students didn't seem to think that would happen because they didn't have it with them.  We then went over our reading comprehension homework and decided which the best answers were.  We then did our word work practice by doing our word ladder.  
    • The reading/writing lesson was on using illustrations and pictures to understand the text.  After going over the mini-lesson, students picked a picture they couldn't see, and from that picture they had to write a caption that explained the picture.  It was a good exercise to understand that pictures tell a story and you have to use that story in your writing.  Each student worked on their own picture/caption and then we met in the sharing area to present them.  The class decided if the caption was on track or needed more work.  Out of 29 students, only 4 needed more work!  That is pretty darn good!
  • 3rd/4th - Math Block
    • Today's lesson was GoMath lesson 7.6.  The focus was on finding the strategies to divided numbers by 6.  They showed them using arrays, using related multiplication facts, and using factors... instead of dividing by six, divide by 2, take that answer and divide by 3 to get the final answer. 
    • We watched the On Demand Math to get an idea of what the lesson would be about, then turned on the interactive lesson to look at unlocking the first two problems.   We then did the first section together, modeling each process, before students broke into independent work to do the on your own section.  After work time was over, students came up to the smartboard and wrote their answers and explained what they did to get that answer.  The class either agreed or disagreed with the answer and process.
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Science with Ms. Galan
  • 7th - Library / Science
    • The students were invited to visit the library to return books and check out new ones.  We worked on our non-fiction reading of blizzards with the time we had left.

  • Math 
    • Division Practice Sheet #10
    • GoMath Homework (pgs 399-400)
  • Reading
    • Tuesday Reading Log 
      • (checking reading log tomorrow!)
    • Reading Comp WK9D2
    • Spelling Practice Sheet

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