Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Today was our second day of MOCK ELA testing!  The students had to read several texts and answer multiple choice questions, some short response questions, and one extended response question.  Again, this models the ELA STATE TEST which they will take in April.  ONE MORE DAY!

  • 1st Period - Quiet Independent Reading and Homework Check.
  • 2nd - 4th - Mock ELA Test
    • The students had 70 minutes for general testing, 105 minutes for time and half modifications, and some students had 140 minutes for double time modifications.  If you think your child would benefit from extra time and isn't receiving program modifications, contact the school about getting a 504 modification form so your doctor can fill it out before the April Testing!
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
    • A couple students didn't get to go outside due to behavior in the lunchroom or not following directions.  If it is cold outside, and you refuse to wear your jacket, you wont go out.  
  • 6th - P.E. with Mr. Hoffman
  • 7th - Science - Chapter 7, lesson 1 on Weather.
  • Math - Division Practice #2 (dividing by 3)
  • Reading
    • Comprehension Practice Week 7 Day 2
    • Independent Reading 30-45 minutes
  • Spelling - Spelling Practice - Right or Wrong Spelling

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