Monday, January 11, 2016

Way Too Chatty Monday!!!

Not quite sure what happened over the weekend, or maybe it was the change in weather... but the little ones had the talking bug today.  It was quite challenging to get them focused and working today.
  • 1st / 2nd - Math Block
    • Today our focus was to work with dividing by 10.  We started our day going over number talks and our daily number review.  Then we moved into GoMath 7.2.  We looked at the on the spot video preview and then went into the interactive lesson with Rebekah Rabbit before working with the unlock the problems for the section.  
    • Students came to the board and worked problems to show mastery.  Students are really starting to make the connection between multiplication and division.  These related facts and inverse operations are slowly "clicking" and it is nice to see.  Keep practicing those multiplication and division facts. Mastery is vital!
  • 3rd / 4th - Literacy Block
    • We started the day with doing our Spelling Pre-Test.  Our focus this week is consonant blends.  We then moved to the meeting area and one by one students shared their performance based assessment.  We had been working on them since last week and students were supposed to finish them over the weekend.  I was saddened to see that several students didn't do their PBA.  They will lose recess until they are turned in.  
    • As listeners, we were looking for key aspects of the story
      • situation/problem for the characters to work through
      • sequence of events
      • dialogue
      • descriptions
      • a solution that makes sense and adds closure
    • After each person shared, we gave them feedback in the form of questions, comments, and concerns.  These were areas we liked, didn't understand, or to work on for next time. 
  • 5th - Lunch (No Recess - Too Much Talking Today!)
  • 6th - Dance 
  • 7th - Science
    • We ended our day checking homework from Reading and Math.  Then we moved into our new science unit - Chapter 6 "Weather".   We reviewed the academic vocabulary that we would be working with this week.  We looked at pictures to see if we could figure out what the words meant.  Then I gave them a graphic organizer where they had to write the definitions and draw a picture that helps them understand the word before we start reading the text tomorrow.
  • Math
    • GoMath Practice 7.2 (pgs 375-376)
    • Division Facts (A)
  • Reading 
    • Reading Comprehension Wk4D3
    • Independent Reading 30-45 minutes
  • Spelling
    • 2 x Each
    • Cursive practice
  • Writing 
    • Finish PBA if you have not done so already!

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