Monday, January 25, 2016


  • 1st / 2nd / 3rd - Math Block
    • We did our number talks and problem of the day.  Then we watched the math on demand for GoMath Lesson 7.5.  Afterward, we did the interactive mini-lesson for Lesson 7.5 before breaking into independent work.
    • When students were finished, we introduced them to Waggle.  They spent an entire 45 minute block working on Waggle Math.  It went into ELA time today, but for the first time finding the website, logging on (Chrome or Firefox only), and learning to navigate, we were fine with them taking up almost 1/2 of ELA.  Next time, it won't take this long.  Students have their passwords and can use this site at home as well to work on skills for ELA and Math!
  • 4th - ELA
    • We started the period with our Spelling Pre-Test for #15.  The focus is consonant blends and digraphs.  Then we did ReadyGen Lesson 2B.3.  The focus was the role the text, illustrations, and captions play in helping the reader understand the topic and main idea.
  • 5th - Lunch
  • 6th - Dance with Mr. Nunez
  • 7th - Wrap of ELA / Science
    • We finished lesson RG 2B.3 and then moved into Science. Today's focus was to finish up Chapter 2 on Weather.  
  • Math
    • GoMath Lesson 7.5 Homework (393-394)
    • Division Fact Practice #9 - Dividing with 8's
  • ELA
    • Reading Comp - WK9D1 
    • Spelling Practice - Double Sided
    • Reading Log - Monday Summary and Signature

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