Monday, June 6, 2016

Field Test Monday

  • We started the day with breakfast and reading from our class novel "THE BFG".
  • 2nd - 3rd - part of 4th - ELA Field Test
    • Today we took part in a field test.  What this means is that students throughout New York State were given sample texts, multiple choice questions, short responses, and extended response questions.  These will be collected, looked at, graded, and analyzed by the creators of the test and the state.  From that analysis, they will pick which texts and questions MIGHT show up on next year's 3rd grade ELA State Tests.  Students either got a "WRITING" field test or a "READING" field test.  They had 80 minutes to work on them and we used regular test conditions to make sure it was a valid field test of the test and test items.  
    • Like I told the students... just do your best... these test does not count against them or for them.. I will never see the results.. neither will they... it is to help make a fair test for next year's third grade.  Last year when I taught 4th grade, my 4th graders were lucky enough to do a field test too.  This year 3rd grade was picked.. GO FIGURE!
  • part of 4th - Literacy Block
    • We finished 4th period by finishing the chapter in The BFG called "SNOZZCUMBERS".  After reading, students worked on a art project to draw what the snozzcumber looked like based on the description in the text.
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
  • 6th - Dance with Mr. Nunez
    • Due to testing, I was asked to stay with the class during dance because Ms. Galan was unable to stay with Mr. Nunez.  Guess what, 100% of the class participated and was on task today.  Usually when I pick them up from dance there are 5-8 students sitting out because of behavior or "not wanting to participate".  Interesting, today we didn't seem to have these issues.  
  • 7th - Wrap Up / Spelling
    • We finished our art project from The BFG and then did our spelling pre-test for the week.  I told the students that if the class as a whole got a 90% or higher on the Spelling Test on Friday I would make this the LAST spelling list of the year.  If not, we have another spelling list next week.
  • Literacy
    • Spelling 2x Each - Cursive
    • Study Spelling
    • Independent Reading 45-60 minutes - AR test by Friday.

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