Thursday, June 2, 2016

Thursday in 304

  • 1st - 3rd - Literacy Block
    • After breakfast we collected homework.  We started reading a new text today in the text collection called "On the Same Day in March".  The text shows the weather on the exact same day at different cities all over the world.  With our first read we did a lot of asking questions and making connections and relating the work back to our I Can statements of the day about grouping information and using illustrations to support text.
    • After reading the text, we did an activity how words are use in a text and how students would use them in real life.  After going over the activity, we moved into doing more work on our language skill of the week "concrete vs abstract" nouns.
    • We ended the period by quietly reading while others finished their work.
  • 3rd - 4th - Math Block
    • We started going over the homework from last night.  We had 12.4 and the mid-chapter review to go over so it took a little more time than normal.  We got a phone call from the office that we had a guest teacher who wanted to do a demo-lesson with our students.  She was visiting from Atlanta, Georgia and came up and did a demo lesson working on idioms.  Our students new it better as non-literal figures of speech, but they had a great time with the lesson.
    • The lesson ended about 10 minutes before lunch so we decided to read The BFG until lunch.
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
  • 6th - Physical Education with Mr. Hoffman
  • 7th - Catch Up - BFG
    • Since 7 students were out for "Aladdin" in the auditorium - we decided to have a makeup afternoon to catch up and get situated so they didn't fall behind.  The rest of us read from our class novel - THE BFG!
  • Literacy
    • Reading Com WK26D3 / Spelling Practice
    • Abstract vs Concrete Nouns Worksheet
    • Read 45-60 minutes to AR test
    • Study for Spelling Test

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