Friday, June 10, 2016

Really FUN Friday!

  • 1st / 2nd - Math Block
    • Ms. Galan was at the Science Fair Expo at the Armory so the students got an extra period with Ms. Avalos and Myself.  We had breakfast in the lunchroom and then headed upstairs to start our day.
    • We went over GoMath 12.7 homework and then got started with Number Talks and the Daily Number Review.  Finally we moved into the new lesson 12.8 by watching the On Demand Video and the interactive lesson.  After unlocking the problems, we started doing Share and Show and then moved to "On Your Own".  
  • 3rd/4th - Literacy Block
    • We started with time to review for their spelling test.  Then we took the spelling test.  I had told them if they did well, it would be the last spelling test of the year, but they didn't listen.  More than half of the class obviously didn't study on their day off.  Oh well, spelling list #28 will be ready for Monday.
    • We moved into our new text on Natural Disasters.  We read the intro and the first section that talked about a Cyclone that hit Darwin, Australia on December 24, 1974.   We started answering questions about the reading and making predictions about the rest of the text. 
  • 5th - PIZZA PARTY!!!!
    • Today for lunch we had a pizza party.  This was to celebrate that the students collectively made their goals in reading.  We had 10 big pizzas and some soda to eat while we enjoyed some music.
  • 6th / 7th - Pizza Party / Fun Friday
    • To celebrate their hard work and success, we ate pizza, drank soda, and ended the day watching ZOOTOPIA.   The focus was looking for character traits in three characters.  
    • It was a great way to end the week and to celebrate their hard work!
  • Math - GoMath 12.8 Practice/Homework in Text
  • Literacy - Reading Comp Wk27D4/5

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