Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Is it ONLY Wednesday?

  • 1st / 2nd - Math Block
    • After breakfast, we started math class by looking at last nights homework.  We went over 3-4 questions that the students wanted clarification on.  Then we moved into Number Talks.
    • After Number Talks, we did the daily number review and then watched the On Demand video tutorial on the mini-lesson for the day. Afterward, we moved to the interactive lesson to unlock the problems.
    • Finally, we projected the student book and did the unlock your problems (I DO), and then the Share and Show (We Do),and finally students worked on the On Your Own (You Do).  After independent practice was over, we checked the problems and they were allowed to start their homework because we had 10 minutes extra.
  • 3rd/4th - Literacy Block
    • After reviewing our spelling words, we did ReadyGen Lesson 3B.7.  The focus was using key ideas and details to summarize and give the main idea in reading.  In writing, it was using concrete and abstract nouns as as well as illustrations to understand the text.
    • We answered questions about the text to check for understanding and make sure we could pinpoint the main idea.  Then we looked at Pg 4 at three different word phrases and the students had to decide if they were literal or non-literal and why the author chose to use that form of writing.
    • Our writing focused on pages 22-25.  Students had to re-read this section on precipitation and then fill out a graphic web and group the information they collected together.  One section would be on SNOW, one would be on HAIL, and one might be on clouds.  It all depended on the information they collected.
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
  • 6th - Physical Education in the Gym with Mr. Hoffman
  • 7th - NEW CLASS NOVEL "The BFG"
    • We were only going to pass the novel out and start tomorrow, but the students wanted to hear a little, and it turned into three chapters!  I love this book, and the new Disney movie The BFG comes out July 1st.
  • Math
    • GoMath 12.4 - Practice/Homework (pp719-720)
    • GoMath Chapter 12 Mid-Chapter Checkup (pp 721-722)
  • Literacy
    • Reading Comp Wk26D2 / Spelling Practice
    • Adj and Adv Review 

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