Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Terrific Tuesday

Terrific describes Tuesday, a noun, so it is an adjective!  Yes, we are working on adjectives and adverbs right now.  So I thought I would throw that one in for you!

  • 1st / 2nd - Literacy Block
    • During breakfast, students were asked to write 5 complete sentences using spelling words.  They had to circle the spelling word and use either an adjective or an adverb in each sentence that they underlined.  This way they can practice using their spelling words in context and the language skill of describing words.
    • Afterward, we did a cloze reading activity with the last two chapters of our class novel "THE BFG".  Students had to decide which words fit in the blanks.  When done, we discussed how the sentences gave us a nice summary of the events of the two chapters.   We noted that it only focused on the most important events.
    • Finally we started working on ReadyGen lesson 3b.9.  The focus was recognizing cause and effect relationships in scientific reading.  We also worked on writing closing statements for paragraphs and concluding paragraphs for entire papers.
    • We re-read "On this Day in March" as a class.  We answered some key ideas and details questions.  And then I showed them one example of cause and effect that we did together, and the other two they did by themselves.  One they had to use the effect to find the cause, the other the cause to find the effect.  We shared and then moved into writing.
    • We discussed the three sections that students took notes on for the movie "Monkey Kingdom".  They were "what they eat", "where they live", and "family life".  
      • Then we started talking about concluding statements for each of those "potential" paragraphs.  
        • For example, the concluding statement for what they eat could be: 
          • "So as you can see, monkeys like all types of foods, just like humans."   This sums up the information they gained on what monkeys eat.  
      • Then we talked about what a concluding paragraph could like for these topics.
          • So in conclusion, after watching "Monkey Kingdom" we have learned that monkeys are very much like humans.  They eat all sorts of food depending on what they can find.  They live with family members in groups.  And finally, they take care of each other.  This shows us that monkeys and humans have a great deal in common.
  • 3rd/4th - Math Block
    • First we did number talks and the daily number review.  Then we checked the homework for 12.5.
    • Next we looked at the on demand video with Professor Burger to get a preview of what we would be learning today.  Finally the interactive lesson helped us unlock the the sample problems.
    • Students worked independently to finish their ON YOUR OWN work before coming back together to check our work and make sure we were all on the same page.
    • Finally, students applied what they have learned so far about geometric shapes and created a learning poster.  They had to show what many different terms looked like and color it.  Best learning posters get a trip to the goody box!

  • 5th - Lunch / Recess
  • 6th - Science 
  • 7th - Class Novel / Birthday Celebration 
    • We read the next chapter of our class novel in THE BFG.  This chapter was called THE BLOODBOTTLER.  It gave a great description of one of the meanest giants in Giant Country and showed how dangerous these giants were for Sophie.  Then we celebrated one of our students birthday before checking mailboxes and packing up to go home.
  • Math:  
    • GoMath 12.6 Practice/Homework pp733-734
  • Literacy:
    • Reading Comp Wk27D1 / Spelling Practice
    • Writing:  Make a concluding paragraph using Monkey Kingdom Notes to guide you
    • Read Independently 45-60 minutes (AR test by Friday)

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