Monday, June 20, 2016

Winding Down Monday

  • 1st / 2nd - Math Block
    • After breakfast, we moved into Math Block.  We are taking all week to work on the END OF THE  YEAR math test from the GoMath Book.  We are using it more as a "REVIEW" of the year, rather than a TEST of the year.  We are doing 3 pages a day.  Firs they work independently, then we go over each question.  We practice strategies and marking the text before solving.  Today we went over the first 15 questions.
  • 3rd/4th - Literacy Block
    • Today we announced that we were suspending SPELLING for the rest of the year.  I don't know who was more excited, the kiddos or Mr. Johnny.  We got to work reviewing ReadyGen Lesson 3B.11 in which students took key words from a text and talked about how they used them in the text, and how they might use the same world in real life.  Then we started reviewing lesson 3B.12 which is about using illustrations to understand a topic.  We didn't get very far into 3b.12 before it was time for lunch.
  • 5th - Lunch/Recess
  • 6th - Dance with Mr. Nunez
  • 7th - Class Novel
    • We read the next chapter in our class novel THE BFG entitled "The Great Plan".
  • Field Trip !!!!
    • Tomorrow is our trip to The High Line. 
      • Permission Slips must be turned in to go
      • Students MUST wear uniforms (I suggest shorts since they are saying 89 degrees)
      • Bring a bag lunch and lots to drink
      • School Bag lunches will be provided for those who want
      • We are walking to the subway, walking to The High Line, walking the High Line, and walking back to the subway, and then back to school... there will be a lot of walking!  Wear comfortable shoes!
      • Students may bring a camera to take pictures on the trip.  With that said, THEY are responsible for anything they bring - NOT THE ADULTS! 
      • There are places to buy food and drink on the High Line.  Most things cost $5 dollars.  Students may bring money to buy treats, but again, they are responsible for anything they bring, not the adults.
      • All library books are required to be turned in ASAP!!!
  • Literacy
    • Reading Comp Wk30D1
    • Read independently 45-60 minutes
  • Field Trip 
    • Read the above section
    • Be ready to have fun on the flower scavenger hunt!

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